
R: 15’ D: [dice] x 10 minutes

You summon a creature from another dimension. If a particular true name is known, it may be intoned during the casting of this spell and the named creature will come, but the veil may also be rent without care for what will emerge. You may control any summoned entity of [dice] or less HD with concentration, but otherwise the standard reaction roll and negotiating procedures apply.

Choose a type or roll 1D4, then roll on the list and hope it has less HD than the dice you invested! If you roll a creature with less HD than [dice] you can choose to summon up to [dice] more of them.

  1. Minor Elemental
  2. Minor Fairy
  3. Lesser Divine Servant
  4. Lesser Horrors

If you invest 4 dice or more in this spell, you can choose to summon a greater extraplanar

Entity + Summon
From Wonder & Wickedness
Written on November 12, 2020